
Anthony Michael Lowe

Challenge Day Leader

Anthony Lowe has facilitated experiential learning workshops for 16 years. Anthony has led Challenge Day workshops in four countries, working with school systems, rehabilitation facilities, First Nation and American Indian communities, school faculties, and for-profit corporations. Anthony has spoken at Challenge Day assemblies, facilitated the integration of refugees into public schools in Nyköpping, Sweden, and was featured on the Dutch TV series Over De Streep. He has served as a member of the Challenge Day training department, coaching team, scripting team, music committee, and is always looking for new ways to serve.

Anthony additionally works as an independent consultant in the private sector, and with K-6 elementary school children (via the Soul Shoppe nonprofit) teaching communication and empathy skills. He has been a featured speaker at the National Alliance on Mental Illness’ Ray of Hope awards banquet, and at the annual Day of Dialogue at Bowling Green State University, exploring the topic of race in education.

Anthony's professional career began in special education, where he served as Director of Vocational and Life Skills Training (Workability 1) at the California Autism Foundation. He has a BA in American Culture Studies from Bowling Green State University with a history minor. He writes and performs music under the names Anthony Michael Lowe or FAST PIECE Of FURNITURE.

If you really knew me, you would know that:

I believe the best days of the USA are still ahead of us, and that every point of contemporary division reveals an opportunity for deep connectivity.

I believe that the path to liberation starts with free expression and collaboration. Education, at its best, begins by empowering people to examine material challenges. It continues via healthy exploration of options for transcendence.

We must have the courage to engage with and participate in the long and messy work of democracy. This requires understanding arguments that are not our own, and engaging them in good faith (aka “love thy enemy”).

I believe that logic is limited to the episteme that produces it, and so we must perpetually re-examine our beliefs and challenge our most durable truths if we are to adapt and thrive.

I believe that any arc of the moral universe only bends to where we bend it to, and the only promised land is the one we promise to each other, insofar as our word is good.