
Sealoyd Jones III

Challenge Day Leader

Sealoyd is a facilitator, coach, educator, and mentor, who excels at helping people and organizations maximize their potential, by exploring who they are and helping them discover who they want to be.

Sealoyd has 20 years of experience working in and around internationally acclaimed non profit organizations including Mosaic Youth Theatre of Detroit, Challenge Day, Soul Shoppe, Bright Futures, River Rouge School District, Oakland Unified School District, designing and implementing programming for youth and adults.  He holds a Bachelor of Science in Industrial/Operations Engineering and Master’s degree in Social Work both from the University of Michigan.

When he is not coaching or teaching, Sealoyd enjoys singing, acting, and stage managing/producing local stage productions and plays, serving in his local church, and participating in group fitness classes and activities

If you really knew me, you would know…

  • I love stand-up comedy, Sci-Fi, Horror, movies, books, and TV shows, but not romantic dramas
  • Gospel, R&B, Jazz, Hip Hop, and Musical Theatre are my favorite music genres, but I like all good music.
  • I like gummy bears, worms, etc (specifically Haribo brand)