
Pam Dunn

Challenge Day Leader

Pam Dunn has been a part of the Challenge Day team since 2003. In that time, she has held a number of roles including Training Director, coach and of course Challenge Day leader. This has probably been one of the most important jobs that Pam has had in her life. She has been lucky enough to have been part of a long-running television series in the Netherlands called “Over de Streep” (Translated to Cross the Line, an activity probably most well-known from Challenge Day programs. Pam was also a part of the team that helped pivot towards creating virtual programming as we all were faced with the Covid-19 pandemic. In addition to her time in Challenge Day Pam has also been a contributor to the work and the curriculum of Be Present, Inc., a national organization that was founded by black women and now has space for everybody to support each other in our leadership. She’s also been part of Mindful Schools and other mindfulness-based trainings in retreat centers as part of a team of well-known and well-respected teachers. The most important thing to know about Pam is that she is very excited to make her way to your school and have a chance to talk to more young people in person.

If you really knew me, you would know…

  • The transition to virtual was difficult for me. I missed traveling to your gyms and libraries to talk to young people and to get the in-person love and hugs that i have been thriving on for almost 20 years.
  • And yet… that when schools were finally open and booking in-person days and i realized i had to get on a plane, i was offended about having to get dressed and leave my house!
  • That my mom is the most important person in my life and walking through this world of Alzheimers with her the last decade or so has humbled me.
  • You would know that one of the moments that stands out for me is being in a room that was a bit harder to win over. I’m about to lead an activity and a young woman stood up and came to me, I acknowledged her relaxed as she fixed whatever was out of whack with my locs! I thanked her and she said, “I’m not going to let my girl be out here like that.  I got you.”  The rest of the day was cake!