Jolana Bishay
Leader Training
Jolana Bishay is California born and raised and lives out in the country about an hour North of San Francisco with her husband, two kids and a flock of chickens.
Her background is in psychology and group facilitation and, when not working with Challenge Day, she has a counseling practice, hosts gatherings and plays music with her band of somewhat rotating friends.
She's spent 20 years as a dedicated spiritual student, practitioner and sometimes teacher.
Jolana first started working as a Challenge Day Leader in 2005, but took a decade plus maternity leave to raise her boys. She is thrilled and honored to be stewarding the organization she loves so much together with her husband, Shereef, who is also a former CD leader.
If you really knew me:
--You'd know my home is a community hub and there's always a cluster of neighborhood kids, friends or family around, and always a couch you can sleep on.
--Every evening my family completes our before-dinner prayer by heartily saying in unison- "May we turn this food into Love, Service and Good Times!"
--I've studied abroad in Cuba, France and Egypt and love to travel.
--My dog just died and I'm heartbroken. I'm convinced she was the best dog that ever existed.
-- Shereef and I met shortly before we both started leading Challenge Days. This organization was a foundational part of our love story. When we got married a rowdy crew of CD leaders came to the wedding and surprised us with a flash mob dance party in matching outfits.